How to support a grieving friend during COVID-19 — LifeWeb 360

How to support a grieving friend during COVID-19

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Given social distancing and the isolation that can come with it, being there for the people in your life that have lost someone close to them is more important than ever. Fortunately, how we support those grieving in our life has not changed so much - it's still about showing up for them, being an empathetic listener, and loving big.

For you and anyone in your life that has lost someone during this period of social distancing, a few ideas:



  • 4-minute video from Refuge in Grief on supporting a grieving friend at any time, not just during a pandemic


  • Call or video chat – Use Zoom, Facetime (iPhone & Mac products), Google HangoutsHouseparty, or your telephone. Screen share to look at photos together. Consider making it a wine, tea, or activity date, or using Netflix Party Mode to virtually watch a movie together.

  • Write a letter - Send a handwritten letter or card, there's power in things that can be touched right now.

  • Plan a virtual supper - Use this story-sharing & listening guidebook for virtual gatherings from the People's Supper, packed with actionable ideas for facilitating a meaningful virtual supper that will helpgrieving families spend real time together with others that care about them.

  • Share a photo or story - Share a photo of their loved one they haven't seen before, or a story that makes you smile.  Send via email, text, snail mail, or on their loved one's LifeWeb, or start a LifeWeb memorial scrapbook on their behalf.

  • Plan memorial events and tributes - Help them plan a virtual memorial event or tribute now, and help them start planning for a spectacular future in-person Celebration of Life event, when restrictions on gatherings have lifted. For tributes, ask friends and family to light a candle, listen to a specific piece of music, or do something in honor of the person that passed. Consider creating a hashtag and having those participating post a photo + hashtag on social media to create a visual reminder of support for the family. 

  • Send a gift - Send a gift card for restaurant delivery, a subscription to Grief Coach (personalized text messages to up to 5 people on how to support someone in grief), or something from Amazon Prime that's just for fun


  • Step-by-step guide for families on how to plan a virtual memorial event now

  • Resource guide for funeral directors and religious leaders on how to make the funeral service, reception, and calling hours virtually accessible to friends and family

  • Comprehensive list of resources on navigating a death during COVID-19 from our friends at Lantern


About Us:

LifeWeb 360 helps communities keep memories alive. Friends and family can create a special place to remember and celebrate the life and light of their loved one, easily sharing stories and photos which are organized into a multimedia scrapbook as a gift to the family. Memories can be built on over time or transformed into a physical book you can hold in your hands. With LifeWeb, the entire community impacted by a loss is equipped to capture the person’s essence, and to support the family in the long-term with reminders and ideas for checking in with them.