Free Resource Guide: Creating and Facilitating Virtual End of Life Events

2 page Summary of guide here, download full guide below

In the guide you’ll find:

  • Everything you need to plan and hold a virtual memorial event for your loved one right now.

  • We’ll take you through every step of the process with detailed screenshots, checklists, and best practices.

  • You’ll learn how to invite guests, plan the ceremony and speakers, and set up and manage the technical part of a virtual event, as well as ideas throughout to make your virtual memorial feel extra special.

No matter what has brought you to this guide, we want you to know that we are here to walk you through this process, step by step.

Dear friend,

With restrictions on gatherings and fear in the air, COVID-19 has made it difficult for us to meet in person with our community when our loved ones pass away. However, while existing traditions and rituals may need to be modified for right now, there are many new and wonderful ways for your community to come together. And, there will one day be a time where we can convene together in person to be with each other and celebrate your loved one. Coronavirus shouldn’t get to dictate when we support each other during a loss, only how we do that.

The teams at LifeWeb 360 and New Narrative Memorials teamed up to create this guide because we fiercely believe in the power of gathering together to tell stories and support one another after a loss, and want you to understand your options for doing this now as well as when large gatherings are again safe.

This guide is meant to accommodate the most tech-savvy of your group alongside the tech-averse, and we’re confident you’ll be able to plan a spectacular virtual memorial event by following it. If you’d like some extra help, please reach out and we’d be happy to support.

With love,

Ali Briggs, Christina Andreola, & the LifeWeb 360 and New Narrative Memorials teams

Coronavirus shouldn’t get to dictate when we support each other during a loss, only how we do that.