Life Threads — LifeWeb 360

Life Threads: What They Are and How to Use Them


What is a Life Thread?

Your person’s life has many “threads”, from the things and groups of people most important to them to how they’ve made others feel. Life Threads are used to organize the memories shared so that they are easier for everyone to explore and build on over time.

How Are Life Threads Used?

When someone shares a memory, they’ll be asked to select one or more Life Threads to “tag” the memory. Visitors to your person’s LifeWeb page will be able to use these tags to filter and find memories that may be most meaningful to them, like memories from childhood or a specific trip your person took.

Life Threads will appear on the enlarged version of each memory:

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How Many Life Threads Can I Add to My Person’s LifeWeb?

There are 5 default Life Threads included on all LifeWeb pages, and you can add up to 15 additional custom Life Threads. The default Life Threads are: Family, Friendships, Childhood, Notes of Comfort, & Articles and Tributes. We’ve found these Life Threads to cover a broad range of memories shared by our users, ensuring that everyone sharing a memory can easily finding at least one Life Thread that captures their memory.

All of the Life Threads that you add to your person’s LifeWeb page will be searchable, but, as an Admin, you can also choose which Life Threads will be featured as suggestions when someone is sharing a memory. To learn more about curating your person’s Life Threads, click here.

Selecting Life Threads for Your Person’s LifeWeb

If you’re not sure where to start, think of the activities, places, and groups of people most important to your person, as well as the types of memories you’d like to encourage others to share.

For example, was Grandma a teacher? Consider creating a custom Life Thread like “Teacher”, “Richardson Elementary School”, or “Ms. B Taught Me…” to encourage others to share specific memories from the impact she had in the classroom.

Or, if your brother-in-law was an avid skier, try “Skiing”, “On the Slopes”, “Powder Days”, or other ways of capturing those alpine memories.

Here are a few more examples to help you make these unique to your person, or simply use the category names (e.g., Hobbies & Passions rather than a specific hobby like woodworking):

HOBBIES & Passions

Garage Sales

Bob the Botanist

Classic Rock

Type of memory

Fun Stories

Makes me smile

Jack would love…


That’s so Gustavo

Always a Helping Hand

Grandpa Always Said



Cindy’s Diner

The Red Hat Society

Hyde Park Soccer League

Periods of life

Young Adult

New Mom

Retired and Loving It

Work & Volunteering


Richardson Elementary School

Fighting for social justice



A Man of Faith

Congregation B’nai Shalom

Meditation Retreats

TRAVEL & Vacations

On the Go

RV Trips & Camping

San Francisco 1994

School experiences

Grade school

College years

Kellogg School of Management


Holidays & Celebrations

Family Holidays

Life of the party

Maria & Nicola’s Wedding

by the person

Jody’s Artwork

Written by Clay

Messages from Lakshman

gather specific things

Notes for Baby William

Su Lee in the News

Mama Jen’s Recipes